Contact us

Contact information

Feel free to use the form on this page or contact us at the contact information below.


Mailing adress 
Box 815, SE-941 28 Piteå, Sweden

Visiting adress
Hotellvägen 50, 941 43 Piteå, Sweden

Wish to be contacted?

At certain hours we get a lot of calls at the same time, and it can be difficult to reach us. Leave a message along with your contact information via e-mail and we will contact you as soon as we can.


Tropical Water Park

Lördagen den 23 november är Äventyrsbadet abonnerat mellan kl. 10.00 och 16.00. Ni är varmt välkomna att besöka oss lördag mellan kl. 16.00 till 20.00!