In Bottenvikens archipelago is Norrland's Riviera

Since the 1950s, Pite Havsbad has been a sought-after destination and known as “Norrland's Riviera”

“Today, Pite Havsbad is one of Swedish Lapland's strongest brands; a full-scale bathing facility developed far beyond the kiosk Elof Söderberg once set up. ”

Read the full article here.

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Padelsatsning inför sommarsäsongen

Pite Havsbad satsar ytterligare på sitt sommarutbud med två nya padelbanor utomhus som köpts upp i samband med PDL Center i Piteås konkurs. Banorna kommer

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Tropical Water Park

The Tropical Water Park is closed in September for maintenance work. If the work is completed and we are able to open earlier than planned, we will notify you.